People before business. Business before technology. Technology making people’s lives better.

Stronger than State of the Art

Stronger than State of the Art

There is a critical difference between focusing on opportunities and being distracted. Good opportunities can cause us to lose focus on our market mix and our core customers. There is a time to pivot, and there is a time to avoid pivoting. So this leads us to the...
Enhancing or Replacing RI with AI

Enhancing or Replacing RI with AI

RI, real intelligence. Thus the portrait of Albert Einstein. We tend to think people with high IQs are better than us. We put IQ, at times, above common sense. The question we pose today is this. Are we using AI to replace or enhance RI? To Replace RI, Or Not To There...
ROI is not ROG (Gambling)

ROI is not ROG (Gambling)

ROI (Return on Investment) vs. ROG (Return on Gambling) For many of us, we think that statement is obvious, something we would never do. Yet, it is something time, and experience has taught me nearly all of us would and have done without realizing it. We may have...
The AI Myth

The AI Myth

Angel or Devil? It seems those who look at chatGPT think it is one or the other. Franklin D. Roosevelt used the phrase, “nothing to fear but fear itself”. People have started to talk about chatGPT as the manifestation of fear or the devil. Others have...
Why Business First Technologies

Why Business First Technologies

Inside our workplaces, there is a familiar tension between business-focused objectives and technology-focused objectives.  Technology, in business terms, is like a division of a company. It is therefore not surprising that many businesses form a division called IT, or...
Into the Box 2022 Review

Into the Box 2022 Review

Wow, which is another way to say Ortus Solutions. If you have never been to Into The Box, you will not understand why those who go, go again and again. This conference checks the boxes. Grow Technical KnowledgeAdvance Productive SkillsGreat CommunityMulti-Track...
The Devils is in the Technology

The Devils is in the Technology

We have heard the devil is in the details. This article is about getting technology right and not inviting the devil into our business, personal gadgets, or any other solutions we have the power to create or select. Some things here will appear to be obvious, but why...
The ColdFusion is Dead Myth?

The ColdFusion is Dead Myth?

We heard years ago Cobol was dead, then people believed ColdFusion was dead, recently someone said Java was dead. Why do we think languages are dead before they decline? The simple answer is the language is thriving. Sure, other languages have more traction, but Adobe...