People before business. Business before technology. Technology making people’s lives better.

The Devils is in the Technology

The Devils is in the Technology

We have heard the devil is in the details. This article is about getting technology right and not inviting the devil into our business, personal gadgets, or any other solutions we have the power to create or select. Some things here will appear to be obvious, but why...
The ColdFusion is Dead Myth?

The ColdFusion is Dead Myth?

We heard years ago Cobol was dead, then people believed ColdFusion was dead, recently someone said Java was dead. Why do we think languages are dead before they decline? The simple answer is the language is thriving. Sure, other languages have more traction, but Adobe...
What is the best way to learn tech?

What is the best way to learn tech?

It is time for a frustrating question to be answered beause the problem runs from those completely new to tech work skills to those with decades under their belts. We don’t do tech training well, and the secret is not in more courses. Learning works best...
Relationships Give Technology Traction

Relationships Give Technology Traction

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Relationships Those who know me are aware my personal journey with technology has spanned four and a half decades. Over those years, many of them, the thing that made tech work, made it win has a common theme. We will explore...
Codeless Development for Business

Codeless Development for Business

How do you build software? Traditionally the idea is you hire a developer, or you become a developer. This means lots of time to create something new, or even more time to learn to create it. Well, that was the way but increasingly the dream of code free systems is...